We all love our gadgets, and most of you probably understand if we talk about the strange bond that we have with our mobile phones in particular. Some of us can’t sleep without their phones on the side of the bed and some of us can’t live without their phones..
Here’s a chance for you to get yourself a new phone on your side. DiGi is giving away RM 1,000,000 worth of Blackberry Bold 9700 smartphones with their Hari Hari Blackberry Mari promotion, and that’s not the only thing they’re giving away.
Here’s where it pays to be a Angel of the DiGi Evangelist program, because there’s more stuff exclusively for DiGi Angels with Nuffnang! DiGi is giving away 6 limited edition phone socks so you can jazz up that Blackberry phone you just won, and make it truly your own :)
There’ll be one phone sock given away each week, so if you don’t get it the first time, you can always try again. Check out the phone socks that you can win every week – they come with their very own birth certificates too!
The contest started 2 August 2010, so we’re already on the third week now.

If you want one of these phone socks for yourself, it’s really easy. All you have to do is write a blog post and tell us why you want the limited edition phone socks in line with the Hari Hari Blackberry Mari promotion. Once you’re done, drop a comment on this post on the DiGi Evangelist page with the permalink of your blog post.
You know your precious BlackBerry would give anything to add a pop of colour to its life, so get going with your blog post now! More details about the contest can be found at this post, and for more information about the Hari Hari Blackberry Mari promotion, log on to http://hariharimari.com/ or visit Nuffnang.